Source code for ipfsapi.utils

"""A module to handle generic operations.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import mimetypes
import os
from functools import wraps

import six

[docs]def guess_mimetype(filename): """Guesses the mimetype of a file based on the given ``filename``. .. code-block:: python >>> guess_mimetype('example.txt') 'text/plain' >>> guess_mimetype('/foo/bar/example') 'application/octet-stream' Parameters ---------- filename : str The file name or path for which the mimetype is to be guessed """ fn = os.path.basename(filename) return mimetypes.guess_type(fn)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
[docs]def ls_dir(dirname): """Returns files and subdirectories within a given directory. Returns a pair of lists, containing the names of directories and files in ``dirname``. Raises ------ OSError : Accessing the given directory path failed Parameters ---------- dirname : str The path of the directory to be listed """ ls = os.listdir(dirname) files = [p for p in ls if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, p))] dirs = [p for p in ls if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, p))] return files, dirs
[docs]def clean_file(file): """Returns a tuple containing a ``file``-like object and a close indicator. This ensures the given file is opened and keeps track of files that should be closed after use (files that were not open prior to this function call). Raises ------ OSError : Accessing the given file path failed Parameters ---------- file : str | io.IOBase A filepath or ``file``-like object that may or may not need to be opened """ if not hasattr(file, 'read'): return open(file, 'rb'), True else: return file, False
[docs]def clean_files(files): """Generates tuples with a ``file``-like object and a close indicator. This is a generator of tuples, where the first element is the file object and the second element is a boolean which is True if this module opened the file (and thus should close it). Raises ------ OSError : Accessing the given file path failed Parameters ---------- files : list | io.IOBase | str Collection or single instance of a filepath and file-like object """ if isinstance(files, (list, tuple)): for f in files: yield clean_file(f) else: yield clean_file(files)
[docs]def file_size(f): """Returns the size of a file in bytes. Raises ------ OSError : Accessing the given file path failed Parameters ---------- f : io.IOBase | str The file path or object for which the size should be determined """ if isinstance(f, (six.string_types, six.text_type)): return os.path.getsize(f) else: cur = f.tell(), 2) size = f.tell() return size
[docs]class return_field(object): """Decorator that returns the given field of a json response. Parameters ---------- field : object The response field to be returned for all invocations """ def __init__(self, field): self.field = field
[docs] def __call__(self, cmd): """Wraps a command so that only a specified field is returned. Parameters ---------- cmd : callable A command that is intended to be wrapped """ @wraps(cmd) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Returns the specified field of the command invocation. Parameters ---------- args : list Positional parameters to pass to the wrapped callable kwargs : dict Named parameter to pass to the wrapped callable """ res = cmd(*args, **kwargs) return res[self.field] return wrapper